Saturday, March 29, 2008

You're not funny anymore

 Here's a bunch of funny sentences. Any combination of these should automatically become a joke.

 — No wonder he decided to commit suicide !

 — In the name of God, someone stop that ferris wheel right now !

 — What's for dinner ? (...) Not anchovies again !

 — I found that truck driver extremely pretentious.

 — Are you kidding ? I love asbestos.

 — Shut up ! You don't know what it's like to be hemophiliac ! (to a hemophiliac person) (the latter is optional)

 — All right ! Let's go to the hospital ! (in an enthusiastic fashion)

 — Is there life after death ? (...) I was afraid of that. (with a disappointed tone)

 — So you never learnt how to read ? You should be ashamed of yourself !

 — Yes. (whenever uttered in a funny way)

 — (blank) ? Is she the girl with the face thing ?

 — Is there anything I should know about you before we start seeing each other ? Wait ! Tell me some other time.

 — So how severe was her head injury ? (...) I see. I guess she won't be needing these books anymore ! (actually grabbing the books and taking them home is optional)

 — Pamplemousses, vous ne nous avez pas encore livré tous vos secrets.

 — What do you mean, "I should have this checked by a doctor" ? (unless the injury does look fishy, in which case the whole thing instantly ceases to be funny)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Interesting to know.