Monday, April 7, 2008

On that summer (A story of multicultural romance)

 Have you ever heard of language exchange ? Milo and Axelina had come up with their own learning method : Milo would point at something and start a sentence to describe it (for instance, That disgusting old man over there is wearing...), and Axelina would complete it by adding the missing word (...a gray flannel suit). This would invariably throw the very demonstrative Milo into a state of overjoy involving all sorts of incoordinate movements, a state disturbingly close to dementia.

 But yet another feeling was about to strike our two polyglots on that summer, a feeling ten times more powerful than the mere joy of learning — I'm referring of course to love. One day they were having a walk in the park, and they started their usual routine :

 Milo — I am looking at...

 Axelina — ...a tree.

 Milo — No, that's not it.

 Axelina — A squirrel ? A bench ? The sunset ? A yogurt ?

 Milo — No, no. Wait ! What was that last word again ?

 Axelina — You mean "a yogurt" ?

 Milo (rubbing his hands together with an avid grin) — Why, I haven't eaten any for a long time... Yes, yes, let's do that...

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